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Contacting Norfilms

Reach Norfilms here for all your communications needs.

Contact For Writers
Check policy on the kind of projects Norfilms are looking for Norfilms before sending, it may be best to send a general enquiry first.

Contact For Student/Intern Placements
If you are seeking work experience (paid expenses) as a student placement or intern on a project then use this contact.  Norfilms cannot guarantee a placement but if one arises you will be notified. Alternatively register for the mailing list for news announcements (see the sidebar).

Contact For Actors/Actresses
If you’re in the mood for fame and fortune and want to be considered for future auditions, then contact Norfilms here.

Contact For Crew
If you are crew, then tell Norfilms of your interest here.

Contact For Investors
Norfilms does not solicit the public to invest in its productions, Norfilms is not registered under the financial services authority or any other suchlike institution and law for financial investments; but if you are a knowledgeable and experienced financier or financial advisor interested in any investment opportunities that may arise, or wish to have a general discussion then contact Norfilms here.

Contact For General, Public, Other
If you are making a general enquiry or you are a member of the public with an interest in the work of Norfilms and feel you have something Norfilms may be interested in then use this address.